Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Be Happy!

I always dreamed of being happy. I often make decisions without thinking too much of the consequences and just worry later. Sometimes, we don't need to be too wise in dealing with life. Great things sometimes come in small packages. Your destiny partner sometimes doesn't have the qualities you dreamed him/her to have but end up loving this person. I remember a friend in college, who told me that I worry and think too much.. Well, that's when the "be happy" motto started..Only time can tell what will happen next and what would you be next. Enjoy what you have right now coz we cant bring back time. Forget what others have to say and think if you would enjoy the moment or not. People around you, can tell anything and everything to your face and at your back. You may even have a friend who you trusted more but telling fishy things when your not around. It wasn't being selfish but rather enjoying what you currently have.
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